A new evangelistic book from Keith Wilson

It has been exciting to work on an evangelistic book that will be genuinely useful for giving to people who show a little interest in the gospel. It is probably not the sort of book that you could post through every letter box in your area, but you could give a copy to anyone that you have a worthwhile conversation with. It could also be bought for whole churches to help them to reach their friends and neighbours, work colleagues etc.

What is great about this book is that it doesn’t vaguely mumble about “believing that Jesus died for you”, which is really not a biblical way of explaining the gospel to anyone, confusing faith with assurance, and running the risk of giving readers a cheap, false, assurance on the basis of a misunderstood gospel offer. It deals with the bad news of sin, the good news of Jesus, but then challenges the reader to trust Christ for himself. Jesus is offered as both Saviour and Lord.

The book is written in a chatty, friendly and contemporary style, so it will easily engage with a wide age-range of people. I think it especially suitable for giving to men. Too many evangelistic books seem to appeal to the female of the species, not enough to the male.

This 79 page book, perhaps ‘booklet’, is available in both: paperback and the Kindle format. The Kindle version is even available for free download on Sundays during September and October 2024 (and will be again, soon). In fact, did you know that you can install a Kindle app on your ‘phone, tablet or whatever device, and then buy and download Kindle books?

The paperback version is cheap enough for everyone to give away, at £3.97 (currently). It is also available from Amazon in at least 12 countries.

Commendations and reviews are rolling in as I write this, including this one from Rico Tice, the evangelist behind Christianity Explored
and Hope Explored:
‘At a very small Christian meeting, wonderfully, the speaker explained the passage Keith has selected for this book. I remember my heart racing as the human condition was diagnosed, and God’s solution to it explained. It changed my life; it was such a relief to hear. That moment from forty years ago came flooding back in Keith’s clear, well-illustrated and, above all, thrilling book. I can’t recommend it highly enough.’

If you would like a pile of these with a bulk discount, email us using the Covenant Books UK contact tab and we will let you have them for about half price + postage and packing. 🙂 Many Amazon Kindle customers can get these books free, of course. 🙂

Just for the record, the book was created in LibreOffice Community with open source software on Fedora™ 40 Linux™. Paperback ISBN: 9798329957273

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