Henry’s new book, from Covenant Books UK, is a curious tome because it exposes a large hole in the knowledge and understanding of many a Bible teacher who is otherwise competent and well-read. A curious Christian asks at a Bible study, “Why is the apostle James’ quote from Amos 9:12 different in Acts 15:17 from… Continue reading The Septuagint
Serving as a Deacon
Serving as a Deacon is new from John D. Legg, but has been helping countless deacons in many churches since 1989 when it was given as a conference paper in Whitby. To have godly people serving as deacons is crucial for church health and church growth. When done well, it leads to blessing for us… Continue reading Serving as a Deacon
Exodus, COVID-19 and Us
These attractively produced Bible study notes for small groups have recently been updated. In these COVID-19 days, what is the connection between God, ourselves and plagues? Find out in the Exodus Experiment.
Free copies of The Right End of the Stick!
Free copies of this book on Amazon Kindle if you order on these dates (and times): Saturday, March 27, 2021, 12:00 AM PDT Sunday, March 28, 2021, 11:59 PM PDT Saturday, April 3, 2021, 12:00 AM PDT Sunday, April 4, 2021, 11:59 PM PDT Saturday, April 10, 2021, 12:00 AM PDT Saturday, April 10, 2021,… Continue reading Free copies of The Right End of the Stick!
The Right End of the Stick Kindle version
Covenant Books UK is delighted to announce the immediate availability of the Kindle version of this latest book.
The Right End of the Stick
The Right End of the Stick is now available in paperback. It is dedicated to my late, good friend, Norman J. Wells, who always went for the right end of the stick.