Here are some (kind) reviews of this latest book: ‘Of the many pressing needs in the evangelical church today, few could be more urgent than the recovery of true, Bible-saturated, Spirit-filled, Christ-exalting, God-honouring worship. At a time when so much in modern worship practices is confused and calamitous, this collection is a sure-footed, reliable guide… Continue reading Reviews of Reformed Evangelical Ministry Resources just out
Category: Uncategorised
Dear ?
We are delighted that Evangelical Times has published an online review of both Dear Tom and Dear Beth. They are basically the same book, of course. They explore and explain the Calvinistic doctrines of grace. You don’t have to be young to benefit from these books!
Need some encouragement?
The great thing about editing The Footsteps of God for republication by Covenant Books UK has been how encouraging it is to read about God’s working throughout history. Why should we worry that God might seem inactive in the 21st Century when he has been busy in all the previous ones? Particularly encouraging are the… Continue reading Need some encouragement?
Great Summer Reading
Reformed, evangelistic and biblical theology. What could be better?
Review of ‘The Trinity and Us’
Evangelical Times has a very nice review of ‘The Trinity and Us’ in its May 2022 edition: Just scroll down the PDF to page 21 or so. Thanks to Jan Rhys for that. Get your copy here or here, incredibly cheap at £5.99 for the paperback. The Kindle version is 99p. Amazing.
The Gospel According to Elisha?
“… the whole Bible is the gospel – when it is understood correctly.”
New pair of books-Dear Tom and Dear Beth
Covenant Books UK is delighted to announce the re-pubilcation of Dear Tom and its companion volume for the female of the species Dear Beth after a gap of some 30 years. Uncle Harry’s letters to his nephew Tom were originally published in Evangelical Times in around 1987. But, the level of interest was such that… Continue reading New pair of books-Dear Tom and Dear Beth
New: 2 Samuel study notes
2 Samuel is often regarded as a difficult Bible book to study because it contains awkward incidents like when God seems to zap Uzzah for no obvious reason (there is one, of course), or when David the previously Christlike king commits adultery (and he does!), when David allows some Gibeonites to commit the judicial murder… Continue reading New: 2 Samuel study notes
Now available in hardback
The Septuagint
Henry’s new book, from Covenant Books UK, is a curious tome because it exposes a large hole in the knowledge and understanding of many a Bible teacher who is otherwise competent and well-read. A curious Christian asks at a Bible study, “Why is the apostle James’ quote from Amos 9:12 different in Acts 15:17 from… Continue reading The Septuagint